Sunday, July 29, 2012

Trouble on the Rise

Iceshadow padded through the forest with the rest of his patrol, his ears flat. DuskClan and StellarClan were at war, and by the sound of it, StellarClan had just launched their first attack.

"Are you sure we shouldn't go help them?" Iceshadow recognized the soft mew of Honeyfrost coming from the back. Iceshadow sighed.

"There's nothing we can do. If we go and help DuskClan, they will just think we're on their side, and then we will have to participate in this war. Let alone that we would also lose StellarClan as an ally." He saw Honeyfrost nod, deep in thought, but he doubted that he convinced her. Cloudstar won't be happy when he hears about this. I wonder how long this war will go on... And how much blood will be shed.

Stoneheart's meow broke his train of thought. "Hey, does anyone else smell that? I think there are cats nearby! Maybe their friendly and we can say hello!" He saw the tom scenting the air excitedly, not even daunted by the war going on. Curious, Iceshadow scented the air himself.

"Stoneheart's right... There are cats nearby..." He scented again, smelling the familiar smell of a nursing Queen's milk. "Kits!" He meowed, bewildered. "They're nearby. I wonder if their mother is here too... If you see a strange cat, don't attack them. It might be a Queen." The patrol murmured to show that they heard him, but Honeyfrost stepped forward.

"Um.. Iceshadow? Do you think I should look for the kits? I'm just afraid my scars will scare them and all..." The she-cat shuffled her paws nervously.

"What? No, your scars are -" His mew was cut off as a cat barreled into him, knocking him to the forest floor. What?! Who's attacking me?! His first instinct was to unsheathe his claws and battle his attacker, but he noticed a milky scent wafting around her, and he realized she was the Queen. Careful not the hurt her, he slowly heaved her off of him, though she was still hissing and spitting.

"I'm sorry if we surprised you." He said, blood welling on his shoulder. "We mean no harm to you or your kits." The calico she-cat nodded, wrapping her tail protectively around her three kits. "I am Iceshadow, and I belong to OakClan." The she-cat nodded, looking tired and defeated.

"I'm Shadowsplash. We're just passing through here... We should get going." Her tail had drooped, and Iceshadow could tell that she had been walking for long enough.

"Why don't you come back with us? The sky is darkening, and night can be dangerous. Our leader won't mind. Kits liven up the place." He added, joking. After a few heartbeats of silence, the Queen answered.

"I suppose. But I don't want to be a burden..." She looked down at the ground, shuffling her paws.

"Nonsense! Welcome to OakClan."


"Iceshadow! You know we can't afford to have more mouths to feed. You just put our Clan in more danger!" Cloudstar meowed, pacing around his den.

"Father, what was I supposed to do? Turn her away? The kits would be dead by now if it weren't for us." Iceshadow meowed, lashing his tail. Cloudstar nodded, sighing.

"I know. I would have done the same... Though this is the last thing I need to think about with the war going on.. But I suppose I should introduce her to the Clan." He flicked his tail to his son, signaling that he was dismissed. "Shadowsplash is her name, yes? Send her in please."


As the Queen entered the den, Cloudstar motioned her over with his tail. "Come and sit. I just want to chat." He reassured her. The calico she-cat nodded, sitting down about a tail-length away from him. "So. I see that you have a Clan name, along with your kits. Where were you before you came here?" The she-cat looked at him with narrowed eyes.

"If you think I'm a spy then you're wrong. Things just didn't work out in my old Clan, that's all." She turned her head away from him, a faraway look in her eyes. Cloudstar nodded, seeing that she didn't want to talk about that anymore.

"I would never suspect that. Now, if you wish to stay for a few sunrises or more, then feel free. You and your kits can share the nursery with Mistyfur, one of our other Queens. Her kits are -" His mew was cut off from Shadowsplash.

"Shouldn't I just return as a warrior? I can help out a lot here, and besides, my kits don't need taking care of. They're fine, Mistyfur can look after them for all I care." She meowed, her tail tip twitching. 

Cloudstar was taken aback from her meow and outlook on her kits. "Well of course not. Your kits hardly know Mistyfur. She is very nice and sweet, but I'm sure they would love to have their mother nearby for comfort and support." Shadowsplash snorted, but said nothing more. "Now that that's settled, let's go introduce you to the Clan."


As he stepped out of his den and bounded up the Oak Branch, he saw that most of the Clan was already gathered around, with surprised murmurs coming from down below. 

"Who's that she-cat that came in with Iceshadow?"
"Why was his shoulder bleeding?"
"Did he get into a fight? Did DuskClan attack?"

"Let all those cats old enough to catch their own prey join under the Oak Branch for a Clan meeting!" He yowled, getting his clanmate's attention as they looked up with curiosity. "I know that many of you are wondering who Iceshadow brought in today, so I will tell you. Her name is Shadowsplash, and her kits are Badgerkit, Clawkit, and Ravenkit." Suspicious meows rippled along the crowd.

"Why do they have Clan names?"
"How long will they be staying with us?" Cats yowled.

Cloudstar held up his tail for silence. "They used to belong to another Clan, but Shadowsplash decided to leave. I see no problem in that. And they will staying here for as long as they need."

"But what if she is a spy?" A cat challenged, and Shadowsplash lashed her tail in annoyance.

"And why would a Clan send a nursing Queen to us as a spy? OakClan has no quarrels with other Clans, we are perfectly safe." The Clan nodded, feeling reassured. "But now, onto another important matter. As you have probably already heard, StellarClan is attacking DuskClan." Outraged mews rang throughout the clearing.

"I knew StellarClan were just a bunch of fox-hearts!" Sparkfire meowed, lashing his tail.

"They had a right to attack! DuskClan refused to give them herbs!" Birdpaw argued, and the Clan continued to bicker.

"Stop! OakClan will not join in on this war, and that is final!" Cloudstar yowled, his eyes dark.

"But Cloudstar... How long can we keep up with no water?" Goldenbreeze meowed, voicing his fears.

Cloudstar shook his head. "Hopefully long enough, Goldenbreeze." Hopefully until StellarClan and DuskClan come to their senses...

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sickness and Time to Choose

Cloudstar paced restlessly outside of the Medicine Cat Den. "Cloudstar, you know that will just wear you out." A soft mew spoke behind him, and the leader whipped around to see Fallenpaw.

"I don't care if it'll wear me out - it takes my mind off of things." The tom sighed. Fallenpaw shook her head, but said nothing more as she entered the den. Goldfeather's head then appeared.

"Cloudstar, you can come visit your mate, you know." The she-cat rolled her eyes. "She just dehydrated and I wanted to move her into my den so I could keep a close eye on her."

"I know, I know. It just... Pains me to see her like this." His shoulders sagged. If Snowfall is gone... I don't know what I'd do! The Medicine Cat wrapped her tail on his shoulders.

"She'll be alright." She said, trying to comfort the distressed tom. "Now instead of sulking around here, go get her an appetizing meal!" Cloudstar nodded in agreement.

"You're right. I should stop thinking like this. Thanks." The tom trotted away towards the fresh-kill pile, his mood brightening.


"Goldfeather... I'm starting to get worried." Fallenpaw meowed quietly to her mentor. "It's been a few sunrises, and Snowfall still isn't better. In fact, we even have a few more cats in here!" The calico she-cat's eyes widened with worry. "What if they don't get better? Cloudstar would be crushed!" Goldfeather silenced her apprentice with a soft hiss.
"Don't speak of this that way! We must have hope - StarClan will give us a sign." Goldfeather meowed, seeming as if she was trying to convince herself that too.

"Yes, I know. StarClan will always be with us. But we're almost out of water, and then our warriors will be too weak to hunt or care for the Clan. Shouldn't we ask DuskClan for help?" Fallenpaw mewed, sinking her claws into the dirt.

"No! We mustn't do that. StellarClan and DuskClan are at war. If we go to one of them, they will think we are on their side, and that we will fight with them. We are in no state to get into a war - or lose one of our allies." Goldfeather shook her head, misery in her eyes. 

"But if we don't we'll die from thirst!" Fallenpaw argued. "We must do something!" Fear pulsed from the young she-cats pelt. What is OakClan becomes no more?! StarClan wouldn't let that happen!

Goldfeather slowly nodded her head, seeming defeated. "Sadly, you are right. OakClan... Must choose sides. We must decide who is right in this war."

(Hi guys! I hope you like the post! So yeah, some cats are sick - so be free to be those ones cooped up in the Medicine Cat den. xP Not too many though, please! x3 Oh, and feel free to have your cats pick sides on the War. Have fun!)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Many New Cats and a Problem

Cats lay drowsily around camp, the heat starting to get to them. Mostly all the streams were dried up, making water and prey difficult to find. Cloudstar pricked his ears as he heard the fern tunnel shaking, but put his head back on his paws when he saw it was only Honeyfrost's patrol. Her and her siblings had settled in quite nicely. Blueflower and her had taken up the role of a warrior, with Dustpaw in training. And their other sister, Mistyfur, was a Queen with two nice, healthy kits.

Good thing they aren't sick. Cloudstar thought, grimacing. StellarClan had came into OakClan camp a few sunrises ago, warning them of the sickness on their territory, and then bid farewell. Though he had wished to help them, most of the herbs had dried up on the Clan's territory, and Cloudstar couldn't afford to lose anymore.

As Cloudstar's gaze traveled over his clanmates, he stopped at the apprentices den, where the young cats had lazily grouped. Ravenpaw and Dustpaw were sharing a thrush, while Birdpaw and Dragonpaw had set up a mock battle, while the others watched. Ravenpaw and Dragonpaw did well on their hunting assessment the other day, they show promising skills. Cloudstar twitched his ears, he heard pawsteps approaching from behind him.

"Cloudstar?" It was the soft mew of the Clan's Medicine Cat, Goldfeather.

"Hm? Yes, what is it?" Cloudstar meowed uneasily as he caught worry in the she-cats voice.

"Well, this drought is affecting us badly...Many cats are starting to get very dehydrated. And some aren't as strong as the others..." Her voice faltered, and fear sparked her mew. "What should we do?" She whispered, looking down at the ground.

Cloudstar sighed. "I pray to StarClan that rain will come soon. But for now, I'll send out another patrol to the stream near DuskClan's border." The calico she-cat dipped her head, seeing that was all Cloudstar could do. Please StarClan, don't let us lose any cats...

[Hi everyone! Sorry for the wait :P I was having a writers block >.< But now we're back on track! :D Oh, and I have a warning for someone... DawnDragon, if you DO NOT comment on this post or the one AFTER this one - you will be replaced :/ We cannot handle inactivity here. And Echo, you didn't post a picture for Honeyfrost, so I just put one on that matched her description. If you don't like it, just send me a link to a new one. Oh, and if you don't want me to include that part with StellarClan in here, I'll remove it if you want, Alado ^^ That is all - thank you! :3]

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

New Members and a Decision

Light filtered through the warrior's den as Iceshadow blinked awake. It had been a few sunrises after the meeting in Cloudstar's den about Grays' arrival. Though Iceshadow as irritated because his father wouldn't let him know the final decision, he knew Cloudstar had to make an announcement about it sometime. Better get ready. Goldenbreeze will be setting up patrols soon. 

He shouldered his way through the den entrance, enjoying the steady breeze that drifted around the camp's walls. More prey will be out, since the heat died down a little. He thought happily. The Clan usually had to hunt at night during this kind of green-leaf, and though their eyesight was keen, they still weren't use to the nocturnal hunting. But as he got ready for a nice, peaceful day, he heard a loud hiss and a surprised exclamation from the fern tunnel.

"Intruders!" Someone hissed, and Iceshadow recognized Crescentpelt's voice.

"Hurry! Scare them off!" Another growled, this time it was Birdpaw, her mentor, Stormfang, at her side.

"Hold on a minute." Cloudstar's gruff mew surprised the cats, who whirled around in surprise. "Let us hear what they have to say." He beckoned the newcomers closer, and Iceshadow finally got a good look at them. One was a lean black tom, with a smudge of orange on his nose, while his companion had a bright ginger coat.  "What are your names?" The black tom gulped, while the ginger one stepped forward, not even daunted by the Clan leader.

"My name is Spark, and my friend is Stone. We have heard many stories about your Clan, and we wish to join." Cats murmured in surprise while Cloudstar studied them closely.

"Very well. But we must present a ceremony to truly welcome you into our Clan." He bounded across the clearing towards the Oak Branch, Spark and Stone following close behind. As he settled himself on the branch, he began to speak. "Spark, Stone, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your life?" Though the cats had many things to learn, they spoke clearly with confidence.

"I do." They both said, their green eyes gleaming.

"Then I give you your warrior names. Stone, you will now be known as Stoneheart. Spark, you will be known as Sparkfire. We welcome you into OakClan." Cheers rang throughout the crowd, but Cloudstar silenced them with a wave of his tail. "Now, onto some other news. Gray, the rogue who saved Iceshadow from the foxes, has asked to join OakClan. He showed courage and bravery on the day we met him, and I see no reason to turn him down. Though he does not wish for a real warrior name, he is now a true member of OakClan, and will be joining the Elder's den." Cheers echoed around the camp wall with the newly named members of OakClan. Though Iceshadow could see his Father was happy, he still caught a glint if suspicion in his eyes as he set his gaze on Gray.