Thursday, July 12, 2012

Many New Cats and a Problem

Cats lay drowsily around camp, the heat starting to get to them. Mostly all the streams were dried up, making water and prey difficult to find. Cloudstar pricked his ears as he heard the fern tunnel shaking, but put his head back on his paws when he saw it was only Honeyfrost's patrol. Her and her siblings had settled in quite nicely. Blueflower and her had taken up the role of a warrior, with Dustpaw in training. And their other sister, Mistyfur, was a Queen with two nice, healthy kits.

Good thing they aren't sick. Cloudstar thought, grimacing. StellarClan had came into OakClan camp a few sunrises ago, warning them of the sickness on their territory, and then bid farewell. Though he had wished to help them, most of the herbs had dried up on the Clan's territory, and Cloudstar couldn't afford to lose anymore.

As Cloudstar's gaze traveled over his clanmates, he stopped at the apprentices den, where the young cats had lazily grouped. Ravenpaw and Dustpaw were sharing a thrush, while Birdpaw and Dragonpaw had set up a mock battle, while the others watched. Ravenpaw and Dragonpaw did well on their hunting assessment the other day, they show promising skills. Cloudstar twitched his ears, he heard pawsteps approaching from behind him.

"Cloudstar?" It was the soft mew of the Clan's Medicine Cat, Goldfeather.

"Hm? Yes, what is it?" Cloudstar meowed uneasily as he caught worry in the she-cats voice.

"Well, this drought is affecting us badly...Many cats are starting to get very dehydrated. And some aren't as strong as the others..." Her voice faltered, and fear sparked her mew. "What should we do?" She whispered, looking down at the ground.

Cloudstar sighed. "I pray to StarClan that rain will come soon. But for now, I'll send out another patrol to the stream near DuskClan's border." The calico she-cat dipped her head, seeing that was all Cloudstar could do. Please StarClan, don't let us lose any cats...

[Hi everyone! Sorry for the wait :P I was having a writers block >.< But now we're back on track! :D Oh, and I have a warning for someone... DawnDragon, if you DO NOT comment on this post or the one AFTER this one - you will be replaced :/ We cannot handle inactivity here. And Echo, you didn't post a picture for Honeyfrost, so I just put one on that matched her description. If you don't like it, just send me a link to a new one. Oh, and if you don't want me to include that part with StellarClan in here, I'll remove it if you want, Alado ^^ That is all - thank you! :3]


  1. [StellarClan's part is fine! :)]

    Sparkfire dozed lazily underneath the shade of a tree. He couldn't believe how hot it could get. He opened his eyes when he was prodded in the side by Stoneheart.
    "I heard Cloudstar speak about a patrol. We should go," he meowed.
    "You can go," Sparkfire meowed irritably. "I'm staying."
    Shrugging, Stoneheart padded over to his leader and asked if he could join the patrol.

  2. Fallenpaw stretched. She was feeling hot, and her mouth was parched. The medicine cat apprentice took a small drink from the pool in the back of the medicine den, careful to leave some for any cats that might collapse from heat exhaustion.

    Birdpaw pricked her ears at Stoneheart and Sparkfire's conversation. "Hey, wait up!" she called to Stoneheart. "I want to come too, I'm sick of just lying around camp."

    Crescentpelt dozed in the sun, worry preventing him from going to sleep. I hope this heat lets up, he thought. Else we're all going to bake in our fur!

  3. "Hmm.. Why don't you lead the patrol, Stoneheart? You can take any cats you would like." Cloudstar meowed, eying the fresh-kill pile. "I'm going to take out another hunting patrol once it's sundown."

  4. Hawkeye lay against the warriors den, panting a little. He wished he could get rid of his thick long fur somehow, but he had no means. The unrelenting sun was brutal, and nighttime brought little relief. Getting up, he looked over at Stoneheart. "Mind if I join?" he asked, slowly making his way over to the patrol head.

  5. [Dovewing, is it alright if Rowanfur from DuskClan develops a crush on Mousefur from StellarClan?]

    Stoneheart nodded to Cloudstar. "Will do!" He than turned his attention to first Birdpaw and than Hawkeye. "The more the merrier!" Even with the sweltering heat, he was still his happy-go-lucky self.

  6. "What part of the territory do we want to cover?" she asked, watching Stoneheart out of the corner of her eye.

  7. ( sure, no problem whatsoever!)

    Hawkeye nodded, wondering how Stoneheart could be so cheerful in the heat. All he wanted to do was find some shade, but the trees had been loosing their leaves. Many cats were practically asleep on their feet. Heat makes you drowsy, and Hawkeye just wanted to escape the pain somehow.

  8. Mistyfur watched her kits play from what little shade the nursery offered.She knew she was producing less milk then before from the way her kits suckled.She looked up at the sky and sighed.please let rain come soon!she thought.

    Echokit and Toadkit argued about what gaze they should play a few paw steps away from there mother.

    Dustpaw sat up,and stretched.The heat making him feel exausted.

    Blueflower paded over to Stoneheart."Am i to late to join your patrol?"she askes.

    Honeyfrost sat in some shade,looking around camp with her one good eye.

  9. Iceshadow heaved a sigh as he crept to a more shady spot, he felt as if all the energy had drained from his body. He looked hopeful once Stoneheart's patrol had left, wishing that his mouth would stop feeling like sand. "I'll go on that hunting patrol later." He called to his Father, his voice hoarse. Maybe then the Clan will have a decent meal.

  10. [Okay! ^^ Since it's forbidden for a cat to fall in love with another cat, I posted something as Rowanfur at the DuskClan Border Page.]

    "No, everyone's welcome!" Stoneheart gave her a smile [if cat's can smile]. He flicked his tail and disappeared into the forest. "I don't suggest we go near the border. I heard the two clans have declared war. However, we can try our luck!" There was a mischievous light in his bright green eyes.

  11. (I commented at the Duskclan Border Page as Fallenpaw)

    War?! Birdpaw thought as she ran. "What do you mean, war?" she called to Stoneheart, who was ahead of her.

    Fallenpaw looked around at the medicine den and decided that there wasn't enough marigold. "I'm going out!" she called to Goldfeather, slipping out of the den and into the forest.

  12. Stoneheart shrugged without looking back. "I don't know. Quite frankly, I don't want to know. OakClan shouldn't have any part in silly border skirmishes."

  13. [Ok.]

    Blueflower paded after Birdpaw,frowning,she silently agreed with Stoneheart.The last thing the clan needs with all this heat is to partake in this war.She thought.

  14. Birdpaw glanced around. Suddenly, the forest seemed teeming with fighting cats. She swallowed. "We're allies with both Clans. They're going to be coming to us for aid."

  15. "And when that happens, I hope Cloudstar refuses." Stoneheart led the way into the forest, glad that they had some shelter from the heat.

  16. Blueflower noded,"We have a big enought problem to deal with as it is.We don't need to add casulties from a war that doesn't concern us on top of it."she mewed.

  17. Snowfall shook her head. Many things were going on between the 3 Clans recently. She looked over at her mate, Cloudstar, and saw him deep in thought. He's been like this since yesterday when a border patrol informed him that DuskClan and StellarClan were at war... And we're caught right in the middle of it! She sighed, then padded over to the gray and white tom. "I'll go pick us something from the fresh-kill pile to share." She meowed, though he didn't reply, just twitched his ears to show that he heard.

  18. Dustpaw paded over to Sparkfire,making an effort to smile,"Are we going to train today?"he asked his mentor.

    Honeyfrost sighed and sat up,she looked tawards the camp entrence.Maybe i could go hunting.She thought tired of feeling so bored.

  19. Sparkfire groaned as his apprentice made his way over to him. "It's to hot to train," he complained; feeling like he was the apprentice.

    "Where should we go?" Stoneheart asked no one in particular.

  20. "I suppose we should spread out," said Birdpaw, thinking aloud. "We could catch more prey that way..."

  21. Blueflower looked over at Stoneheart."Aren't we supposed to be fetching water from the stream near duskclan's border?"She asked.

  22. Dustpaw blinked,and noded."I know.But the clan still needs to go on.I mean wear not going to get anywhere by just sitting around and complaining,right?"He asked his mentor.

  23. As she watched the patrol leave, she decided that she should rest up. Not everyone in the clan is feeling well, with the lack of water. But she knew that some cats wouldn't be able to go to the river to hydrate. She padded over to Cloudstar, "I can go get Mistyfur, Squirrelfoot, and Gray some clean moss that I can soak in the river," she offered.

    Stormfang laid lazily on his back, with the occasion lick on his body to cool him down from the heat.

    Dragonpaw watched the clan, seeing that some were weaker than others. Thankfully, Dragonpaw had a strong frame and muscles, so if anything, he could get water towards the end. He padded under a tree to keep cool.

  24. Cloudstar thought for a moment. "Well, Stoneheart's patrol will be back soon with fresh water, so I suppose you can go and catch up with them." He mewed as he eyed the darkening sky. "I'm sending out that hunting patrol now. Stormfang, Honeyfrost, and Crescentpelt, care to join?" He meowed briskly.

  25. Goldenbreeze nodded, and ran off after Stoneheart's patrol. After running for awhile, she caught up to them. "I'm here to help carry some water back to the elders and Mistyfur!"

    Stormfang heard his name being called, so he sat up. He quickly groomed his shoulders, and padded over to Cloudstar. "Sure, I'll join!"

  26. Honeyfrost looked up and smiled."Sure,i'd love to."she mews,stretching.

  27. "Yes! Yes, of course!" Stoneheart chuckled as he didn't even bother covering up his mistake. He lead the way to the stream, frowning at how pitiful it looked. "Alright, take a drink and grab some moss and soak it up until it's heavy. Be careful not to drink any of it when you're carrying it back. We need this water."

  28. "Good, then lets go." He meowed, and pushed his way through the camp entrance. "Lets go over near the training hollow, that place has the most shade to offer for prey." He suggested.

  29. Honeyfrost noded and fallowed.

    Blueflower twitched her wiskers in amument and bent down to take a few lap fulls of water.It tasted muddy,but she swallow it anyway.She colected some moss and dipped in the water.

  30. Crescentpelt trotted behind Stormfang and Honeyfrost, glad to be out of camp. "Sure," he said. ~Crescentpelt

  31. (30 comments?? Yay! :D)

    Cloudstar nodded and lead the patrol through the forest on a leaf strewn path. Usually at this time the trees would be lush with leaves sewed onto their branches, but now they seemed frail and vulnerable as the heat dried them up, making the leaves curl and turn a sick brown color. We're not the only ones suffering frOm this drought. The leader thought as he

  32. Honeyfrost kept her ears pricked for prey as she fallowed Cloudstar and Stormfang.

  33. Crescentpelt's tail lashed back and forth in irritation. "The ground is covered in dead plants," he said. "Makes for very loud going. It'll be a miracle if we can catch any prey."

  34. Stoneheart lapped at the water without complaining and began tearing pieces of moss from the trees. Once he was finished he dipped the moss into the stream.

  35. Squirelfoot yawned as she lay on the sun warmed ground.She purred happly as the warmth seeped into her old bones.She smiled and watched Mistyfur's kits play from where she lay.As she watched them,she thought about her only den mate Grey.

  36. Goldenbreeze ripped a big pile of moss from the root of a tree and sunk it in the river, collecting a great amount of water. She started heading back to the camp, with a quick speed, making her arrive first. She padded to Squirrelfoot, since she was the closest. "Here's some water for you," the deputy meowed and set the moss pile down carefully beside the elder.

    Stormfang heard a sudden movement, so he crouched low to the ground. He inched closer and closer to the tree, where he spotted a family of mice gnawing on seeds. He hissed and lunged at them all, his claws slicing each of the mice before they could run.
    --Stormfang (There were 3 mice in that family)

  37. Squirrelfoot smiled,"Thank-you Goldenbreeze."she purred and pressed gently on the moss so she could drink the water it had absorbed.

  38. (Sorry guys! I was away for a bit xP A new post will be either published later today, or tomorrow. :3)

    Cloudstar nodded in approval in Stormfang's direction, then moved on to find his own prey. He padded cautiously around the tree trunks, until he saw a squirrel nibbling on an acorn. He prowled behind it, coming closer and closer with every pawstep. This will definitely give the elders a good feed. They haven't gotten a good meal in ages! Though his paws screamed for him to pounce, he stayed where he was for the right moment. When he was about a tail-length away, he measured the distance and jumped, landing square on it's back. Thank you StarClan for this prey. He said quickly, heading back to the patrol.

  39. (im so srry my computer broke down )
    Goldfeather checked every cat for signs of dehydration and order everyone as much water as she could provide. "Will the rain ever come.." She muttered.

    Birchfire sat under the shade of an oak trying to keep cool as the sun beat down on the bone dry camp.

    Ravenpaw took a bite of thrush and pushed it back towards Dustpaw, "It's so dry."

  40. "You're welcome," Goldenbreeze purred. "I'll sit here for a while if you don't mind," she meowed. She probably doesn't get much company..

    Stormfang grinned at Cloudstar's catch, because he couldn't talk from all of the mousetails in his mouth.
