Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sickness and Time to Choose

Cloudstar paced restlessly outside of the Medicine Cat Den. "Cloudstar, you know that will just wear you out." A soft mew spoke behind him, and the leader whipped around to see Fallenpaw.

"I don't care if it'll wear me out - it takes my mind off of things." The tom sighed. Fallenpaw shook her head, but said nothing more as she entered the den. Goldfeather's head then appeared.

"Cloudstar, you can come visit your mate, you know." The she-cat rolled her eyes. "She just dehydrated and I wanted to move her into my den so I could keep a close eye on her."

"I know, I know. It just... Pains me to see her like this." His shoulders sagged. If Snowfall is gone... I don't know what I'd do! The Medicine Cat wrapped her tail on his shoulders.

"She'll be alright." She said, trying to comfort the distressed tom. "Now instead of sulking around here, go get her an appetizing meal!" Cloudstar nodded in agreement.

"You're right. I should stop thinking like this. Thanks." The tom trotted away towards the fresh-kill pile, his mood brightening.


"Goldfeather... I'm starting to get worried." Fallenpaw meowed quietly to her mentor. "It's been a few sunrises, and Snowfall still isn't better. In fact, we even have a few more cats in here!" The calico she-cat's eyes widened with worry. "What if they don't get better? Cloudstar would be crushed!" Goldfeather silenced her apprentice with a soft hiss.
"Don't speak of this that way! We must have hope - StarClan will give us a sign." Goldfeather meowed, seeming as if she was trying to convince herself that too.

"Yes, I know. StarClan will always be with us. But we're almost out of water, and then our warriors will be too weak to hunt or care for the Clan. Shouldn't we ask DuskClan for help?" Fallenpaw mewed, sinking her claws into the dirt.

"No! We mustn't do that. StellarClan and DuskClan are at war. If we go to one of them, they will think we are on their side, and that we will fight with them. We are in no state to get into a war - or lose one of our allies." Goldfeather shook her head, misery in her eyes. 

"But if we don't we'll die from thirst!" Fallenpaw argued. "We must do something!" Fear pulsed from the young she-cats pelt. What is OakClan becomes no more?! StarClan wouldn't let that happen!

Goldfeather slowly nodded her head, seeming defeated. "Sadly, you are right. OakClan... Must choose sides. We must decide who is right in this war."

(Hi guys! I hope you like the post! So yeah, some cats are sick - so be free to be those ones cooped up in the Medicine Cat den. xP Not too many though, please! x3 Oh, and feel free to have your cats pick sides on the War. Have fun!)


  1. Hawkeye coughed from his best in the medicine den. The heat had seemed to help him get sick, with his long fur. He sighed, wishing for water but saving it for the other cats who needed it more. At least it was a tad cooler in the darkness of the den.

  2. Cloudstar padded over to his son, Iceshadow, who was getting ready to leave on a patrol. "Now, don't stress yourself out too much. I don't want you to end up in the Medicine Cat Den." Though his mew was light, there was worry in his eyes.

    "Don't worry." Iceshadow meowed, touching noses with his father. "If I feel a bit off, I'll go visit Goldfeather." When he saw the suspicion in Cloudstar's eyes he added, "I promise." The warrior rolled his eyes. "Now I have to get on with this border patrol, and we'll stop for water and a quick hunt on our way back."

    (anyone can join the patrol)

  3. "I'll come!" Stoneheart offered. His cheery attitude was still unaffected by the heat.

  4. Honeyfrost paded forward,"Mind if i join your patrol to?"she asked,her one good eye shining uncertainly.

  5. "Sure." Iceshadow meowed, glad to see that some cats were still functioning even though of the heat. "But get ready for a long patrol!" He joked.

  6. Crescentpelt padded forward. "Pick me," he said with a small smile.

    Birdpaw's eyes hardened. "I think that we should side with Stellarclan. Duskclan refused them herbs, the greedy mouse-brains."

    Fallenpaw stiffened as she heard her sister's words.

  7. Alado (Can't sign in)July 24, 2012 at 10:03 AM

    "Well it's not exactly fair that StellarClan hunted in DuskClan territory," Sparkfire looked over at Birdpaw.

    "I can handle a long patrol." Stoneheart wasn't really bothered by the heat. As long as he was among his clanmates, he was fine.

  8. "Yeah, but mostly their whole Clan is sick... I doubt that they have enough warriors to send out on a decent hunting patrol." Though we can't either... He thought miserably. "I think we should side with DuskClan. There territory is filled with water!" Iceshadow shook his head. "Anyone can come, we need as many cats as we can get." He padded over to Fallenpaw. "Are there any herbs we could possibly pick up along the way?" Anything to help my mother?

  9. Goldenbreeze padded over to Iceshadow. "I'll join your patrol if you don't mind," she meowed.

    Stormfang padded over to Birdpaw. "Are you feeling alright?" he asked his apprentice, worry glowing in his blue eyes.

    Dragonpaw isolated himself away from everyone. He sat under the shade of a tree, and kept on licking his pelt to keep him cool. I can be one of the strong ones that don't get affected.

  10. Iceshadow nodded to the deputy. "That's fine. Anyone else joining? We're leaving soon." He looked around for a moment, his patrol by his side. Seeing that no one else was volunteering, he swung around and walked through the camp entrance, the ferns giving off little shade. I hope we find a good meal today, and no trouble. That is the worst thing we could have right now.

  11. Stoneheart kept pace as he padded behind Iceshadow. He was hoping they wouldn't come across any other clans on the border patrol. Sparkfire sided with DuskClan, but he however, sided with OakClan and OakClan only.

  12. As Iceshadow neared the DuskClan border, he heard screeches in the distance. What? He angled his ears towards the noise, but could only hear the caterwauling of cats. "Now what can that be?" As he let the thought sink in, he came to a dull realization. "StellarClan must be attacking Duskclan..." He shook his head. There is nothing we can do...

  13. Goldenbreeze widened her eyes at what Iceshadow said. "Is there anything that we can do? Like send a rescue patrol and help either StellarClan or DuskClan?"

  14. Honeyfrost frowned,as she listened to the screeching.She didn't think they should help either clan,but she looked ay Iceshadow uncertainly.If he said they'ed help one,then she would fallow.She decided.

  15. "We shouldn't do anything." Stoneheart was calm, but he was clearly annoyed. "It's not OakClan's responsibility to help. Whether they want to fight or not is their choice."

  16. (Dangit, I guess something happened to my comment >.< I know I posted it here >:U Sorry for the late reply)

    Iceshadow nodded in agreement with Stoneheart. "Besides, if we show up, StellarClan will think we've sided with DuskClan, and then we would have to participate in this War. And we would lose an ally." Iceshadow sighed. How much blood will be shed before this war is over? "Come on, we still have a patrol to finish." He saw the uncertainty in Goldenbreeze and Honeyfrost's eyes, but he padded on, flattening his ears against his head so that he could block out the screeches. As he padded along the DuskClan border, a scent washed over his scent glands. Are those... Kits? He raised his tail to stop his patrol, and began sniffing around. "Does anyone else scent that?" He asked, bewildered.

  17. Honeyfrost's eye widened."I do,what are kits doing here?We should make sure there ok."she mewed.

  18. Iceshadow nodded in agreement, his nose in the air. "I wonder if their mother is nearby... If you see a strange cat, don't attack it. It might be a Queen." He warned the patrol.

  19. Honeyfrost noded and waited for him to lead the way and then paused."Iceshadow,maybe i should stay here and wait.My scars might scare the kits or their mother."she mewed with a hint of sadness,looking at him with her one good eye.

  20. A dark calico she-cat sat back in the shadows, watching the patrol with narrowed eyes. Her tail was wrapped around her kits, and her claws were slowly unsheathing.

    Clawkit peered over his mother's bushy fur, careful not to touch her tail. He saw the three cat's, and bristled slightly. Please don't find us! Please...I can't join another clan... He shut his eyes tightly.

    Ravenkit creeped to his mother's tail tip and peered around it. He saw a black and silver tom and felt his stomach flutter with excitement. A clan! He must be a Warrior.

    Badgerkit stared at her mother intently. She was waiting for orders. Hide? Fight? Her paws itched to do something, but her mother was sitting patiently.

    The mother purred quietly. Let's see how strong this clan is. She whisked her tail away from her kits and, when Iceshadow was close enough, threw herself at him. "Reow!"

  21. Honeyfrost hissed under her breath but kept her claws sheathed.This is probably the kits's mother.She thought and looked around soon spotting three kits hiding in the shadows nearby.

  22. "Honeyfrost, you'll be fine. Your scars-" His mew was cut off by a loud meow, and felt hard muscle thump against him, pushing him to the forest floor. "Wha-?" His first instinct was to rake the cat's muzzle, but he forced himself to keep his claws sheathed. I smell milk on her! She must by the kit's mother, and she's just trying to protect them. Heaving his hind legs up, he shoved the Queen off of him, surprised by her strength. "I'm sorry if we surprised you." He meowed, keeping his distance in case she tried to attack again. "We mean to harm to you or your kits."

  23. Honeyfrost looked cautiously at the she-cat but remained silent.

  24. The she-cat remained in a battle crouch, tail lashing and hissing fiercely. She had hoped for a fight, but obviously these cats had no intention to harm a Queen. Typical soft hearted cowards! No matter, they'll regret it later... "My name is Shadowsplash, me and my kits are very tired...we don't want a fight, we're just passing through." The calico she-cat relaxed, letting her broad shoulder's stoop and her tail brush the ground.

    Clawkit watched in disgust, his eyes narrowed to slits.

    Badgerkit saw with satisfaction the blood welling on the dark tabby tom's shoulders. "Mom's so strong!" She mewled quietly.

    Ravenkit flicked his tail up and sat tall, hoping to be noticed as Warrior potential.

  25. Iceshadow nodded. "Don't worry, we're not here for a fight." He looked up at the darkening sky. "It's almost sundown... It's too dangerous to be traveling at night." Owls can come out... "Why don't you come back with us to camp? I'm sure our leader wouldn't mind, and kits do brighten up the place." Cloudstar won't be too pleased with the fact that we have to share water with more cats... But I can't turn her away...

  26. Shadowsplash blinked gratefully at him. "We don't want to be a burden..." She glanced at her kits with worry. "Okay, we'll go." She waved her tail and her three kits bound over.

    Clawkit forced back a helpless wail. Not again!

  27. "Great. I'm sure the Clan would love to meet you." He turned to the rest of the patrol. "You can finish up here, I told Cloudstar that we were doing a border patrol, and after that try to scrounge up some water and fresh-kill. I'll take Shadowsplash and her kits back to camp."

  28. Shadowsplash looked around at the territory. She had more experience hunting on rocky outcrops. Ill just have to learn. "What is this clan called?"

  29. Honeyfrost noded,"Alright."she mewed to Iceshadow.She looked at Shadowsplash,and turned to look at the kits.She smiled,and turned to the rest of the patrol waiting for someone to take the lead.

  30. Stoneheart, who had managed to remain quiet during the whole thing, spoke up. His tone as cheery as ever. "Hello!" He shot the queen a grin. "The Clan is called OakClan. I'm sure you and your kits will fit right in!"

    1. Shadowsplash blinked at the tom, her tail swishing slowly. "I hope so, I dont think my kits have the strength to travel any farther." She meowed back kindly, sounding tired.

      Clawkit rolled his eyes. That didnt stop you from getting us here.
